MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience
Currently, there is "enableMrc" flag which can be enable on HoloLens to overlay the GUI to the video stream.
For android platform, how can I do it?
The "LocalVideoTrack.Argb32VideoFrameReady" callback return with frame data, can I overlay the frame data with GUI and pass it to the underlayer? It seems not possible now. Any suggestion>
Dear Sir,
Currently, there is "enableMrc" flag which can be enable on HoloLens to overlay the GUI to the video stream.
For android platform, how can I do it? The "LocalVideoTrack.Argb32VideoFrameReady" callback return with frame data, can I overlay the frame data with GUI and pass it to the underlayer? It seems not possible now. Any suggestion>
Thanks, Dav