microsoft / MixedReality-WebRTC

MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience
MIT License
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Ethernet over USB (USB NCM) connection to HoloLens2 lost! USB NCM bandwidth limited? #808

Open SilverLive opened 2 years ago

SilverLive commented 2 years ago

Situation: My HoloLens2 application receives and sends data packages via Ethernet over USB(USB NCM). Network-protocoll is udp. So far this worked well. Now I added Mixed-Reality WebRTC to my project. It uses a second udp-socket to do the Signalling part of WebRTC and afterwards sets up a Peer-to-Peer connection to share VideoStreams with another application running on my Desktop pc. Problem: Both UDP-Connections work well on their own and the WebRTC Peer-Connection is beeing set up successfully, but after a short time (1-2 sec) HoloLens2 disconnects from my Desktop-PC. "Disconnect" means the USB-NCM connection is beeing lost, which means I can´t connect to Device Portal and can´t send/receive data anymore. On the other hand, HoloLens2 is still visible in FileExplorer and both applications, on PC and Hololens2, still run without throwing any Exception. Question: Does anybody has an idea why this happens? Is USB-NCM limited in terms of bandwith? Thanks in advance!