microsoft / MixedReality-WebRTC

MixedReality-WebRTC is a collection of components to help mixed reality app developers integrate audio and video real-time communication into their application and improve their collaborative experience
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Different track ids between answers sdp and local tracks #857

Open Qualcuno opened 2 years ago

Qualcuno commented 2 years ago

Hi, i found a mismatch between the ids of msid line in answer and the ids presents in the transceivers and locatracks of peer object.

This is an example: considering only video, this is an msid line with the stream identifier (_localStreamf63e346e-ba27-4134-9fc1-16bb77566099) and the track identifier (75bf5eb4-d243-489d-8346-777e5e34b01f) of the answer

a=msid:localStream_f63e346e-ba27-4134-9fc1-16bb77566099 75bf5eb4-d243-489d-8346-777e5e34b01f

but if i try to explore the entier peer object, the trackid 75bf5eb4-d243-489d-8346-777e5e34b01f not exists anywhere. if searched in Peer.Transceivers LocalVideoTrack Sources and others What i found is a different identifier associated to the LocalVideoTrack 3a1ecc0d-685c-4816-a077-8a2bad42dffe

I developed a my webrtc library on ios and android, and a=msid trackId and localtracks have same ids...

why in this library the ids are differents? is this a correct behavior?

I'm working on HL2 with 2.0.2 version of Webrtc library