microsoft / MixedReality-WorldLockingTools-Unity

Unity tools to provide a stable coordinate system anchored to the physical world.
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Changes required for migrating WLT to AR Foundation 5.0 (pre) #299

Open genereddick opened 2 years ago

genereddick commented 2 years ago

Not really a bug, but in case it is useful for an eventual migration:

I was interested in testing ARF 5 (currently 5.0.0-pre.12) for impact on sensor drift. According to the article below, which attempts to measure drift in various scenarios on different devices with the HL2 as a base, there were some, if inconsistent, improvement on an iPhone 11 running AR Kit 5 vs AR Kit 4.

In upgrading the WLT threw various errors that prevented building. These were all related to ARSessionOrigin being deprecated in favor of XROrigin.

This was fairly easy to resolve by replacing instances of ARSessionOrigin with XROrigin and then adding Unity.XR.CoreUtils to the respective Assembly Definition References.

This resolved build issues, and I haven't noticed any runtime issues, but I have not tested exhaustively.

Tested on Unity 2021.3.4f1 WLT 1.5.9

Zee2 commented 2 years ago

@keveleigh and @m-the-hoff, visibility for our work bringing WLT to MRTK3 and more modern Unity/XR versions.