microsoft / MixedReality-WorldLockingTools-Unity

Unity tools to provide a stable coordinate system anchored to the physical world.
MIT License
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WLT-MRTK3-Port #318

Open Cmacfdt opened 1 year ago

Cmacfdt commented 1 year ago

The community might find this handy.

We have been using this port for months with MRTK3, Unity 2021 and Unity 2022. It primarily provides support for using AR Foundation's XROrigin and related changes.

Cmacfdt commented 1 year ago

Relevant to #317

genereddick commented 1 year ago

Please note this issue regarding the AR Pose Driver and the temporary fix

robintown commented 3 months ago

As someone new to Unity the steps to install this were not obvious, so I'll share what worked for me:

  1. Add WLT Core to your project via the Mixed Reality Feature Tool.
  2. Download the port linked above and place the files somewhere in your project's Packages folder. For example, I put it under Packages/WorldLockingTools.
  3. Find the archive under Packages/MixedReality and open it. Inside this archive you should see another Packages folder.
  4. Copy the archive's Packages folder into the folder containing the port.
  5. Finally, in your project's manifest.json, replace the dependency with the path to the port:
"com.fuzzydoortech.worldlockingtools": "file:WorldLockingTools"

And delete the original archive.