microsoft / MixedRealityToolkit

The MixedRealityToolkit is a collection of scripts and components intended to accelerate the development of mixed reality applications targeting Windows Mixed Reality.
MIT License
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Microphone Stream Selector #233

Open Porupu opened 4 years ago

Porupu commented 4 years ago

Not sure if anyone still maintain this, I'm trying to use the MicStreamSelector library from here inside Unity, as the doesn't seem to maintain MicStream inputs but I'm not sure how to compile and use the library inside Unity. On the front page it talks about standalone Visual Studio solutions that need to be compiled (x64, Release? I presume) to generate DLLs that then can be used. When I've done that for the MicStreamSelector solution it should generate 3 projects: MicStreamSelector, MicStreamSelector_UWP and MicDemoApp - there's a fail in the build for the MicStreamSelector as the micstreamselector.cpp could not find assembly 'platform.winmd' (how to fix?), while the other two projects compile without issue. When I tried to upload the DLL files from MicStreamSelector_UWP to Unity, however, it fails to load as 'one or more of its dependencies could not be loaded'. What am I missing? Or rather how to compile the Toolkit properly to use within Unity? Thanks