microsoft / Multilingual-App-Toolkit

This repo contains samples that demonstrate the localization workflow for users of the Multilingual Application Toolkit Visual Studio extension and editor. You can also use GitHub Issues to submit feedback, report bugs, or ask questions.
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Few errors messages/labels are not translated to Norwegian (nn-NO) while using Microsoft multilingual toolkit #18

Open JBR-100 opened 1 year ago

JBR-100 commented 1 year ago

The language Norwegian (nn-NO) is not supported i.e., the labels, error, messages etc. are not getting translated to this particular language alone. Even the labels are added manually, it keeps disappearing once the project/solution is build or rebuild .

Microsoft Translator Provider is not supported for Norwegian (nn-NO).


As per the findings, If the "Microsoft Translator Provider" has been given to the Norwegian (nn-NO), hope that this issue can be solved.

joshftb commented 1 year ago

nn-NO is not supported by Microsoft Translator, but Norwegian Bokmål (nb) is.

I will keep this open regarding the label disappearing issue.