microsoft / Multilingual-App-Toolkit

This repo contains samples that demonstrate the localization workflow for users of the Multilingual Application Toolkit Visual Studio extension and editor. You can also use GitHub Issues to submit feedback, report bugs, or ask questions.
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No Support for DLL's #20

Closed RealDotNetDave closed 1 year ago

RealDotNetDave commented 1 year ago

After learning how to use the toolkit, as many articles state, what I have done in the past is to put all the resources for a solution in a DLL assembly for reuse by any project. When I tried to Enable selection, I got the following message:

Project 'Globalization.Resources' was not enabled - it is not a supported project type.

Why can't I use the toolkit in a DLL? This is a great tool, but I cannot use it for projects like this.

joshftb commented 1 year ago

The structure of DLLs is more complex compared to resource files. This makes parsing and regenerating them a very difficult task. Please consider using resx or resw instead.