microsoft / Open-Maps

Microsoft Open Data Team
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Editorial work in Nordic region #80

Open kfremd opened 2 years ago

kfremd commented 2 years ago

Task description:

This task is looking to improve the map data in the Nordic region: (Åland Island, Denmark, Faroe Island, Finland, Iceland, Jan Mayen, Norway, Svalbard, and Sweden).

We will also use all available aerial and street level imagery assets available in OSM. We intend to edit the roads, looking to focus the following:

• Alignment • Missing roads geometries/road names • Surface tags • Road classification • Restrictions • Destination information • Speed limits • Variant names and Translations

Additionally, we may edit some other map features such as water bodies, natural features, land use features, buildings, and possibly boundaries. All features that will be edited will have a source listed in our change set comments.

We will be processing this according to OSM and adhering to the Organized editing guidelines.

The team will be adding changeset comments that follow OSM changeset guidelines with the added comment of #MSFTOpenMaps in the comments to help identify edits made to the map by our team.

Error Detection:

We will use the validator in the JOSM tool to look for errors, following the wiki as well as the LearnOSM guidelines. We will also process a number of Atlas Checks in the region to help with identifying problematic data.

Data improvements:

Our team will often be posting map notes more commonly in this region, based on provided feedback from our users on map features in OpenStreetMap. This can be related to roads, natural features, buildings, or points of interest. We plan to investigate these using available and approved Open data sources. We will attempt to add as much as we can to the map using these insights but will likely need help from local mappers for features that we cannot verify ourselves.

Additional Info:

Our team is planning on beginning its work in these countries within two weeks from this post. We look forward to working with the community on these efforts and to help build a better map for everyone. Please do not hesitate to reach out here or openmaps(at) if there are any questions, comments, or concerns. Thanks, and happy mapping!

NKAmapper commented 2 years ago

Thank you for taking an interest in the Nordic region. I have noticed that you are currently processing highway/stream crossings in Norway. I think an even more useful task would be to add the missing highways in Norway. Only 4% of the highways are missing, and they are readily available here from our approved import: Import/Catalogue/Roadimport(Norway)/Update.

The process would be quite simple:

A few notes:

kfremd commented 2 years ago

Hello! Thank you for reaching out and letting us know about the missing highways and the approved import list. It is really interesting and quite awesome. Our team will look it over and review the data to see where we can best put our efforts. We appreciate the heads up and the accompanying notes as well!

Cheers, Kyle

NKAmapper commented 1 year ago

Our team will look it over and review the data to see where we can best put our efforts

How was the review?

kfremd commented 1 year ago

Hello and sorry for the delay,

We had the chance to it look over and we were curious about the dataset, specifically in regard to a large number of missing roads that were near Oslo that appeared to be driveways, with some of these having names. Our team is wondering how to best approach these features in particular, as our team typically tries to avoid adding in driveways. If it is felt that these are something that could be added to the map, we will possibly take another look at adding these features in the future. If there is a way to clear up the data a bit and do a comparison once again, that might help clear up some of these issues. Thanks again for reaching out.

Cheers, Kyle

NKAmapper commented 1 year ago

@kfremd: If I have understood you correctly, you would like to avoid short driveways. In the dataset highway=service is also used for other roads which are not driveways. I think the simplest solution for avoiding driveways would be to skip highways with a short length. In the following geosjon file, the LENGTH tag may be used to select only the desired lengths:

If you make the search "LENGTH>200 and LENGTH<1000" in JOSM then you will get highways with a length of more than 200 meters, and less than 1000m (the total length of connected clusters of highways is used). You will get 4,734 missing highways, of a total of 42,882. You may experiment with other values. Let me know if this works.

elgaard commented 1 year ago

Please review your turn-restriction edits in Denmark. Many signs have addition panels limiting the restriction to e.g. trucks over a certain length.

Many turn restriction signs should not be added as turn restrictions in OSM. They are just extra signs reflecting access restrictions on ways, oneway hightways or height limits on bridges down the road.

kfremd commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the heads up on the turn restrictions, elgaard. We apologize that there are issues with the restrictions that are being added. I'll notify the team and have the edits immediately reviewed for these potential errors. If you happen to stumble upon any restrictions that have been made by us that should not exist, please feel free to remove them. We will be taking a look at all of our past and future edits on these turn restrictions for the next couple of weeks to make sure that there are no more issues like this going forward. Again, we are sorry for causing any potential problems with these additions and we will aim to fix any issues that come up. Cheers,


NKAmapper commented 1 year ago

Please only use the following background imagery when mapping in Norway: "Norway Orthophoto" and "Kartverket N50 topo".

Never use Bing, Maxar, Esri or similar imagery. They have a large offset in Norway, so everything mapped with them will distort the map.

It is important that this is implemented in the teams as soon as possible, otherwise I will have to ask DWG to block all editing from MSFT.

Also it would be good if you inform the local community on before you embark on new tasks. This way, the local community may give helpful advice before more harm is done.

kfremd commented 1 year ago

Thanks for reaching out and letting us know about Norway imagery. I will notify the team immediately so that we stop using Bing, Maxar, Esri, etc going forward and that we will only use those two imagery sources for Norway, in the future.

If there are any newer tasks that we will be working on as well, I will attempt to mention it on those channels going forward. Thanks again and sorry for the trouble that it has caused. Cheers,


houtari commented 1 year ago

Hello! I just found some issues with your recent road name edits in certain bilingual parts of Finland. I haven't yet done any more extensive analysis, but I'd thought I'd better share my initial observations with you right away, so that you may valuate if this is something you should check more widely or just some single errors? Anyhow I noticed several errors within a small area in Maxmo (Maksamaa in finnish) which is situated in the Vörå (Vöyri in finnish) municipality. It's a bilingual municipality so both name:fi & name:sv tags should be used for roads and as swedish is the main language then name tag should contain the swedish name, but these three edits only contain the finnish name behind the name tag.

For your information. The use of bilingual names is something that was quite recently discussed in the finnish OSM forum under this thread.

There I eg. linked this up-to-date list of municipalities in Finland with two official languages.

/ Markku Huotari

kfremd commented 1 year ago

Hi! Thank you for providing those links and for letting us know about the road names in those municipalities. Hopefully, we did not move any existing main languages over to the secondary language by accident for these areas. If there were any edits where we changed any existing names over, please let us know and we will go and make corrections as soon as we can.

We will review the links that you sent over in-depth. Our team will aim to go back and update the road name edits that we made with the correct name & name:sv tags in the listed municipalities to the proper, main language. We will also apply this to future tasks in these municipalities as well, going forward. Feel free to let us know if there are any changes or updates on this. Thanks again,


houtari commented 1 year ago

Hello! Thanks for paying attention to this. Fortunately for you guys it's a very small minority of municipalities in Finland that are bilingual (33 out of 309 so roughly 10%) and they're all mainly situated on the western and southern coastline. Of these bilingual there's roughly 50% (15 is the exact number) that have Swedish as the main language. I guess this is the group you need to focus specificly on. Municipal consolidations may of course change these language policies in some areas, but as far as I remember we haven't had any for a while - at least such which have changed the language priorities. The last one was the birth of the Municipality of Raseborg, where in the Pohja region swedish became the main language. In these kind of situation the municipality doesn't of course change street signs overnight so in this area there were some occasional conflicts between editors who were editing based on the municipal language policy and others who maped based on ground truth. It's been a while though since this consolidation took place so most of the signs may have been changed already.

houtari commented 1 year ago

Hi! Any news on the timetable of this re-edit? I've now understood that there has been issues spotted elsewhere as well eg. here. As a takeout for future projects I would stress the importance of communication with the local community. I don't actually know how this was dealt with in this particular case? Personally I noticed the project when edits started appearing all over the country. I found the project documentation through the changeset comments. In hindsight, the use of the Finnish OSM forum as a starting point to present project plans and receive ideas and feedback would probably have helped to prevent this situation.

/ Markku

kfremd commented 1 year ago

Hello again! Our hopeful timetable to begin the re-edit is currently aimed towards the middle of this month. We are currently gearing up for it at the moment in between our current project goals. We will definitely be bringing up any new projects and questions to the OSM forum in the future to hopefully avoid some of these issues in the future. Thanks,
