microsoft / OpenAPI.NET

The OpenAPI.NET SDK contains a useful object model for OpenAPI documents in .NET along with common serializers to extract raw OpenAPI JSON and YAML documents from the model.
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Some property missing from V2 Parameter deserializer (e.g. multipleOf) #194

Open PerthCharern opened 6 years ago

nth-commit commented 4 years ago

Here's an exhaustive list of the unsupported properties:


kylehild commented 4 years ago

Are there any plans to support these properties?

nth-commit commented 4 years ago

Are there any plans to support these properties?

@kylehild I can't speak on behalf of the maintainers, and I don't know if it's an option for you - but it was easy for us to migrate to V3 and worth the effort.

dipidoo commented 4 years ago

minItems and maxItems are not properly working for parameter deserializing. They work only if under the items node, which is not proper OASv2. Serializing works fine.

            var testString = @"
  ""swagger"": ""2.0"",
  ""parameters"": {
    ""param0"": {
      ""type"": ""array"",
      ""items"": {
        ""type"": ""integer""
      ""maxItems"": 4,
      ""minItems"": 4
            var testDoc = new OpenApiStringReader().Read(testString.ToString(), out var diag);
            Console.Out.WriteLine(testDoc.Components.Parameters["param0"].Schema.MaxItems);    // Expected: 4 Actual: null
            Console.Out.WriteLine(testDoc.Components.Parameters["param0"].Schema.MinItems);    // Expected: 4 Actual: null
            testString = @"
  ""swagger"": ""2.0"",
  ""parameters"": {
    ""param0"": {
      ""type"": ""array"",
      ""items"": {
        ""type"": ""integer"",
        ""maxItems"": 4,
        ""minItems"": 4
            testDoc = new OpenApiStringReader().Read(testString.ToString(), out diag);
            Console.Out.WriteLine(testDoc.Components.Parameters["param0"].Schema.Items.MaxItems);    // Expected: 4 Actual: 4 but not proper OASv2
            Console.Out.WriteLine(testDoc.Components.Parameters["param0"].Schema.Items.MinItems);    // Expected: 4 Actual: 4 but not proper OASv2
            testDoc = new OpenApiDocument
                Components = new OpenApiComponents
                    Parameters =
                        ["param0"] = new OpenApiParameter
                            Schema = new OpenApiSchema
                                Type = "array",
                                Items = new OpenApiSchema
                                    Type = "integer"
                                MaxItems = 4,
                                MinItems = 4,
            Console.Out.WriteLine(JObject.Parse(testDoc.SerializeAsJson(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi2_0))["parameters"]["param0"]["maxItems"]);    // Expected: 4 Actual: 4
            Console.Out.WriteLine(JObject.Parse(testDoc.SerializeAsJson(OpenApiSpecVersion.OpenApi2_0))["parameters"]["param0"]["minItems"]);    // Expected: 4 Actual: 4