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Usage Question: Combining record(values) from several sources in c# #1895

Open kklocker opened 1 year ago

kklocker commented 1 year ago

Hi! Im working on a small c# project of mine in which I want to make it possible for the user to provide custom Json input to a formula, but I also want the engine evaluation to take as input some data from internal sources (dotnet classes).

I would gladly also take some feedback as to the general usage.. Consider this small example (from a test):

file class MyPoco
    public List<MyPocoLine> Values { get; set; } = new List<MyPocoLine>();
    public decimal MyFactor { get; set; }

file class MyPocoLine
    public MyPocoLine(int value) => Value = value;
    public int Value { get; }

var pocoInstance = new MyPoco() { Values = { new(1), new(2), new(3), new(4) }, MyFactor = 2 };

string expression = $"Sum(Values;Value) * MyFactor";

var engine = new RecalcEngine(new PowerFxConfig(Features.PowerFxV1));

var marshallerProvider = new ObjectMarshallerProvider();
marshallerProvider.TryGetMarshaller(typeof(MyPoco), new(), out var marshaller);

var formulaValue = (ObjectRecordValue)marshaller.Marshal(pocoInstance);
var result = engine.Eval(expression, formulaValue); // How could I additionally provide Json here? 
result.TryGetPrimitiveValue(out var primitiveResult); // primitiveResult is 20
var expected = pocoInstance.Values.Sum(f => f.Value) * pocoInstance.MyFactor; // expected is 20

I have gotten both dto / json context to work separately, but I don't quite understand how to combine this.

Any help is apreciated, thanks!

jas-valgotar commented 1 year ago

Hi Karl.

Are you looking for something that converts the JSON into formula values? then, FormulaValueJSON.FromJson() is something that may be helpful.

The tests here demo it can be leveraged:

kklocker commented 1 year ago

@jas-valgotar Yes, I have had success with that :)

The problem is that I want to have available records/values ( forgive me, I'm a bit confused of what is what here) coming from both json and a dotnet-glass at the same time, i.e. I want to evaluate a formula in which the variables should be taken from either or the other

anderson-joyle commented 1 year ago

@kklocker Are you trying to combine all these records from dotnet-glass and json into a single bigger record or having multiple variables, each being a different record?

If it is the second case, maybe

engine.UpdateVariable("RecordN", formulaValue); // add a similar line to each of your other records
kklocker commented 1 year ago

@anderson-joyle I suspect more the latter, the point being that i want my app to not being dependent a priori of knowing what the json will contain.

Thank you, I will try that when i get time 😄

This might not be the intended use case, but I wanted to try :)

(Also: is there any nice intuitive way of understanding what a record vs tavle vs value is?)

jas-valgotar commented 11 months ago

Our Microsoft Learn page is in the making which will have a lot of information available soon so stay tuned :)

Meanwhile, To explain different values intuitively, There are broadly 3 types:

  1. Primitive Values: Basically, all the "Simple" values you can use inside the language as a building block, which are Number, Boolean, String, Date[Time], GUID, and Color.

  2. Record Values: (represented via {field: Value}) Think of this like something that represents a single row in a table (though it can exist independently also), and each column of the table is basically a "field" of the record. The field of the record can point to any "Values" (e.g. Primitive, Record, Or Table)

  3. Table Values: (represented via [] or Table(), so [{field: Value}, {field: Value}] or Table({field: Value}, {field: Value}])) This is a collection of records described above.

kklocker commented 11 months ago

@jas-valgotar Thank you! 😊 What about "FormulaValue"? I am trying to create some helper method to parse multiple different objects and pass that as context, using an object marshaller. But I am now confused, since it seems like I want a RecordValue, or perhaps even ObjectRecordValue, but engine.UpdateVariable(..) accepts FormulaValue. Soo I can definitely see there is some hierarchy here, but I am a bit confused as to what things are supposed to represent :)
