microsoft / PowerApps-Samples

Sample code for Power Apps, including Dataverse, model-driven apps, canvas apps, Power Apps component framework, portals, and AI Builder.
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Custom Connector for Timeline documentation #550

Open piboke opened 7 months ago

piboke commented 7 months ago

Hi, I am working on custom connector for Timeline and I found this repo:

Unfortunately, there's no documentation on how to use it. There's an Interfaces.d.ts file which references mscrm.d.ts but there's no information where to pull it, how to use them etc. It looks like an extract from some internal project without any context. Could you please share some more info?

thanks, p.

phecke commented 6 months ago

@piboke You can find the associated article here: Use custom connectors with the timeline control

piboke commented 6 months ago

@piboke You can find the associated article here: Use custom connectors with the timeline control

There's no information on the types the interface uses. No info on how to create UI, supported images etc. Furthermore, when testing it seems that adding the connector twice with different configurations, it seems that the connector is triggered twice, but renders only the last configuration.

phecke commented 6 months ago

@piboke Ok, I will let the team know that owns this sample...done.

Kunter-Bunt commented 4 months ago

Also pushing this: The sample lacks the source code in general, only the compiled code can be stripped from the unmanaged solution, which is missing all the type information. This makes it unneccessarily hard to recreate the use case.

From an interface perspective, this feature lacks documentation as well, e.g. IRecordCommand.iconType is a number for an icon, what are the available values? Are custom Icons supported? If someone stumbles across this issue, here is a list (no guarantee of course)

e.PinIcon = 271,
e.UnPinIcon = 325,
e.NotesMicrosoftIcon = 206,
e.PostsMicrosoftIcon = 104,
e.UserPostsMicrosoftIcon = 42,
e.ActivitiesMicrosoftIcon = 103,
e.ServiceActivityIcon = 205,
e.CampaignResolutionIcon = 204,
e.CaseResolutionIcon = 203,
e.OpportunityIcon = 81,
e.AppointmentIcon = 82,
e.TeamsAppointmentIcon = 403,
e.RecurringAppointmentIcon = 122,
e.TaskIcon = 83,
e.TaskClipboardIcon = 466,
e.PhoneIcon = 66,
e.PhoneCallIncomingIcon = 85,
e.PhoneCallOutgoingIcon = 86,
e.LetterIcon = 411,
e.LetterIncomingIcon = 415,
e.LetterOutgoingIcon = 416,
e.FaxIcon = 412,
e.FaxIncomingIcon = 417,
e.FaxOutgoingIcon = 418,
e.EmailReceivedIcon = 87,
e.EmailSentIcon = 88,
e.EmailOtherIcon = 125,
e.EmailCancelledIcon = 65,
e.EmailFailedIcon = 300,
e.EmailIcon = 63,
e.PlusIcon = 198,
e.HorizontalMoreIcon = 12,
e.VerticalMoreIcon = 458,
e.ExcelIcon = 147,
e.PDFIcon = 192,
e.AccessIcon = 195,
e.OneNoteIcon = 194,
e.VisioIcon = 196,
e.DocumentIcon = 146,
e.PresentationIcon = 193,
e.ProjectIcon = 197,
e.DelveIcon = 150,
e.AudioIcon = 207,
e.CameraIcon = 208,
e.VideoIcon = 209,
e.ImageIcon = 210,
e.DefaultAttachmentIcon = 43,
e.EditIcon = 4,
e.updateIcon = 32,
e.DeleteIcon = 6,
e.AssignIcon = 79,
e.CloseIcon = 97,
e.DefaultActivityIcon = 151,
e.SearchButtonIcon = 61,
e.WarningIcon = 232,
e.AccountEntityIcon = 227,
e.IncidentEntityIcon = 84,
e.OpportunityEntityIcon = 347,
e.ContactEntityIcon = 168,
e.NotificationIcon = 184,
e.ChevronDownIcon = 200,
e.ChevronUpIcon = 199,
e.NewChevronExpandIcon = 468,
e.NewChevronCollapseIcon = 469,
e.ThumbsUpIcon = 431,
e.ThumbsDownIcon = 432,
e.HappySmileyIcon = 202,
e.SadSmileyIcon = 201,
e.ReplyEmailIcon = 94,
e.ReplyAllEmailIcon = 95,
e.ForwardEmailIcon = 96,
e.BotIcon = 327,
e.AddToQueueIcon = 136,
e.FilterSolidIcon = 326,
e.FilterIcon = 35,
e.CheckMarkIcon = 109,
e.OpenEntityRecordIcon = 257,
e.RefreshIcon = 32,
e.ResetIcon = 163,
e.UntrackedEmailIcon = 300,
e.CheckedMailIcon = 64,
e.OpenMailIcon = 301,
e.SharePointNewOneNoteDocumentIcon = 222,
e.InformationIcon = 179,
e.ExpandAllRecordsIcon = 468,
e.CollapseAllRecordsIcon = 469,
e.OpenChatCommandIcon = 459,
e.OpenMainCommandIcon = 72,
e.OpenMainActionIcon = 458,
e.CommandSmallScreen = 380,
e.CommandMediumScreen = 481,
e.CopyToClipboardIcon = 76,
e.ReassignRecordsIcon = 263,