microsoft / PowerApps-Tooling

Tooling support for PowerApps language and .msapp files
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Model Driven App with Custom Pages - Solution Unpack - issue - PA3999 - Unable to parse templat... #686

Open devkeydet opened 3 weeks ago

devkeydet commented 3 weeks ago

Discussed in

Originally posted by **wojtasey** June 25, 2024 Hi Team we are experiencing issue when trying to unpack Model Driven App solution using below command _pac solution unpack --zipFile C:\ --folder C:\ModelDrivenAppSolution\ --packageType Unmanaged --localize false --errorlevel Verbose --singleComponent None --useLcid false --processCanvasApps true --allowDelete true --allowWrite true --clobber true_ PA3999 - Unable to parse template file Microsoft_CoreControls_RadioGrouptemplate_dataField ![image (2)](