Open InsightfulAnalytics opened 3 months ago
I'm getting there in resolving this, so far my results have found the source of the error in the KQL query:
for this function in PQ: fnGetOperationsExceptRefreshes
Source = OperationExceptRefresh_stage,
MergeQueries = Table.NestedJoin(Source, {"XmlaRequestId"}, RefreshOperations, {"XmlaRequestId"}, "Suboperation", JoinKind.LeftAnti),
AppendQuery = Table.Combine({MergeQueries, RefreshOperations}),
//#"Renamed Columns" = Table.RenameColumns(AnalyticsQuery,{{"DurationMs", "Duration (ms)"}}),
#"AddStartDateTime(UTCoffset)" = Table.AddColumn(AppendQuery, "Start DateTime", each[StartTime] + #duration(0,Number.RoundDown(#"UTC Offset Hours"),Number.RoundDown(60 * Number.Mod(#"UTC Offset Hours", 1)),0),type datetime),
InsertedStartDate = Table.AddColumn(#"AddStartDateTime(UTCoffset)", "Start Date", each DateTime.Date([Start DateTime]), type date),
InsertTime = Table.AddColumn(InsertedStartDate, "Start Time (s)", each DateTime.Time([Start DateTime]), type time),
RemovOriginalStartTime = Table.RemoveColumns(InsertTime,{"StartTime"}),
AddCustom = Table.AddColumn(RemovOriginalStartTime, "EndTime", each [Start DateTime] + #duration(0, 0, 0, [#"Duration (ms)"] / 1000)),
ChangType1 = Table.TransformColumnTypes(AddCustom,{{"CpuTimeMs", Int64.Type}, {"Duration (ms)", Int64.Type}, {"EndTime", type datetimezone}, {"TextDataHash", Int64.Type}, {"Start DateTime", type datetimezone}, {"Start Date", type date}, {"Start Time (s)", type time}}),
#"RenametoStartDate/Time" = Table.RenameColumns(ChangType1,{{"Start DateTime", "Start Date/Time"}}),
RenameColumns = Table.RenameColumns(#"RenametoStartDate/Time",{{"CpuTimeMs", "CPUTime (ms)"}}),
ChangeType2 = Table.TransformColumnTypes(RenameColumns,{{"TextDataHash", type text}}),
RemoveDuplicates = Table.Distinct(ChangeType2),
ChangeType3 = Table.TransformColumnTypes(RemoveDuplicates,{{"StatusCode", type number}}),
RenameColumns1 = Table.RenameColumns(ChangeType3,{{"EndTime", "End Date/Time"}, {"WorkspaceName", "Workspace"}, {"OperationName", "Operation"}, {"OperationDetailName", "Operation Detail"}, {"Start Time (s)", "Start Time"}}),
RemoveColumns = Table.RemoveColumns(RenameColumns1,{"Suboperation"}),
AddIndex = Table.AddIndexColumn(RemoveColumns, "Index", 0, 1, Int64.Type),
AddQuerySuboperationKey = Table.AddColumn(AddIndex, "Query Suboperation Key", each if [QuerySubeventKey] = "" or [QuerySubeventKey] = null then [Index] else [QuerySubeventKey]),
AddRefreshSuboperationKey = Table.AddColumn(AddQuerySuboperationKey, "Refresh Suboperation Key", each if [RefreshSubeventKey] = null then [Index] else [RefreshSubeventKey]),
AddAggSuboperationKey = Table.AddColumn(AddRefreshSuboperationKey, "Agg Suboperation Key", each if [QuerySubeventKey] = "" or [QuerySubeventKey] = null then [Index] else [QuerySubeventKey]),
RemoveColumns1 = Table.RemoveColumns(AddAggSuboperationKey,{"QuerySubeventKey", "RefreshSubeventKey", "Index"}),
RenameColumns2 = Table.RenameColumns(RemoveColumns1,{{"ExecutingUser", "Executing User"}})
// this is returning a duplicate value
| extend QuerySubeventKey = case(
OperationName == 'QueryEnd' and isnotempty(XmlaRequestId), XmlaRequestId, // add rootActivityId as the key if this is a QueryEnd. This joins to the Suboperation table.
dynamic(null)) // if we are not expecting subevents then make this null. In PowerQuery we will add a dummy index value for null values to keep this column unique for the 1:* relationship
The XmlaRequestId is not a primary key, so for some reason the QueryEnd is appearing more than once on for the same XmlaRequestID.
I will continue my investigations
Hi Rui,
When refreshing the report created with the PBIASEngine, I get the error "Column query suboperation Key" in table Operation contains Duplicate values on the one side of a one to many relationship" as seen in the attached picture.
I then changed the relationship between the 2 tables operation and query sub operation to many to many and then I got another error for a different set of tables.
I then changed all of the relationships in the model to many to many and the refresh worked ok.
I am concerned that my reports may be impacted as many to many relationships are not desirable.
Do you know why the error is returned?
A screen shot of the model prior to change is also attached, it appears to match the er-diagram.
Thanks, Tim