microsoft / PowerBI-Tools-For-Capacities

Repo for tools and utilities related to Power BI Capacities (Premium and Embedded)
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How do you log the output #7

Open niball opened 5 years ago

niball commented 5 years ago

currently, the output is the browser . How do you enable logging and write to the filesystem

furmangg commented 5 years ago

That’s great feedback. It’s not currently possibly. I would imagine you could have it log to some Azure service but that would require some customization. Ideas and code snippets or pull requests welcome.

JJDE commented 8 months ago

was also my first question: a simple log csv like RunID|start|end|ReportURL/ID would be very handy, will now investigate whats possible. Maybe its possible to log directly to a pbi streaming dataset?

Mike-Honey commented 8 months ago

Would need to capture the config used for each test, e.g. Report Page ABC was run with Filter 1 = XYZ, Filter 2 = 123.