microsoft / PowerShellForGitHub

Microsoft PowerShell wrapper for GitHub API
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Fix Set-GitHubContent Encode Issues #328

Closed jing8956 closed 3 years ago

jing8956 commented 3 years ago


The UTF-16 LE encode let my text content many "�“ Is not github view a text file default encoding。

Issues Fixed



HowardWolosky commented 3 years ago

/azp run PowerShellForGitHub-CI

azure-pipelines[bot] commented 3 years ago
Azure Pipelines successfully started running 1 pipeline(s).
jorioux commented 3 years ago

When are you planning to release a new version of the module with this fix?

HowardWolosky commented 3 years ago

When are you planning to release a new version of the module with this fix?

Most likely this weekend.

jorioux commented 3 years ago

Still not released in the PSGallery, do you have an ETA?

HowardWolosky commented 3 years ago

Still not released in the PSGallery, do you have an ETA?

Not a good one at the moment. The work on the repo side was done this morning for rev'ing the module, however the module also needs to be signed before it can be published to PSGallery. Unfortunately, the necessary steps for getting the module signed have changed within Microsoft since the last time a module update was published, and the new process has gotten quite a bit more complicated. Current (optimistic) ETA at this point to get this project transitioned to the new signing process is likely 2-3 weeks.

jorioux commented 2 years ago

@HowardWolosky with all due respect, it's been more than a month now, what is going on? Not having 0.16.1 in the PSGallery is a blocker for my team at "Intact Financial Corporation", we are planning on using this module extensively.

HowardWolosky commented 2 years ago

Hi @jorioux,

I'm excited to hear that your company is planning on using this module extensively, and I do apologize that you've been waiting so long for 0.16.1 to be published to PSGallery.

As I mentioned previously, the process used internally to get code/files signed with a Microsoft certificate that we ship externally to customers changed in April (which I didn't realize until I attempted to get the new module signed at the end of May), and I've been working towards getting this project migrated to that new process. This is the first time that the process has changed in many, many years. Without going into unnecessary internal details, I was overly optimistic in that estimate as I've encountered some issues that I continue to work on within the company. I'm continuing to work through the process internally and when there is a new estimate that I can provide, I will respond here with it.

Is there a specific company policy preventing you from using the code as-is within the repo as opposed to the published module as a workaround for the interim?

HowardWolosky commented 2 years ago

Just as a general update here, I continue to be blocked internally by the necessary procedures to be able to get the module signed and updated to PowerShellGallery. I am working with the necessary parties to get things unblocked, but it's continuing to take much more time than anyone had originally anticipated due to the new process that was created.

samsmithnz commented 2 years ago

@HowardWolosky Any updates on a 0.16.1 release? This is affecting a big customer of mine/ours.

HowardWolosky commented 2 years ago

@HowardWolosky Any updates on a 0.16.1 release? This is affecting a big customer of mine/ours.

@samsmithnz - Unfortunately, not yet. The internal changes around how to sign projects have created significant complications for getting these releases signed. I'm still engaging with the appropriate teams internally to get unblocked, but the progress here continues to be much slower than desired.

HowardWolosky commented 1 year ago

0.16.1 has been successfully signed and published to PowerShellGallery. This proves out the new approach I need to use to sign releases moving forward. It's now a manual approach (can't use an Azure Pipeline anymore), but it at least gets things unblocked for the project.