microsoft / PowerShellForGitHub

Microsoft PowerShell wrapper for GitHub API
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Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage for multiple repos? #396

Closed Liturgist closed 1 year ago

Liturgist commented 1 year ago

A description of your problem or question

Cannot get languages from multiple repos.

Steps to reproduce the issue

Use multiple Get-GitHubRepositoryLangage statements.

Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName 'orgname' -RepositoryName 'repo1'
Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName 'orgname' -RepositoryName 'repo2'

Verbose logs showing the problem


Suggested solution to the issue


Operating System

OsName : Microsoft Windows 10 Enterprise OsOperatingSystemSKU : EnterpriseEdition OsArchitecture : 64-bit WindowsVersion : 2009 WindowsBuildLabEx : 19041.1.amd64fre.vb_release.191206-1406 OsLanguage : en-US OsMuiLanguages : {en-US}

PowerShell Version

Name Value

PSVersion 7.3.2 PSEdition Core GitCommitId 7.3.2 OS Microsoft Windows 10.0.19044 Platform Win32NT PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0…} PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3 SerializationVersion WSManStackVersion 3.0

Module Version

Running: 0.16.1 Installed: 0.16.1

HowardWolosky commented 1 year ago

I'm unable to repro your issue, and you failed to include any verbose logs (either by copy/pasting the relevant section of your log file, or by re-running the command with -Verbose) that would provide pointers into the issue that you're having.

For reference, this command works fine:

Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName powershellforgithub


Liturgist commented 1 year ago

@HowardWolosky, thank you for looking at the question. It requires querying multiple repos. Here is more information.

PS C:\> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub


PS C:\> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName powershell -RepositoryName powershell

C#               : 30816340
PowerShell       : 5130858
Roff             : 216538
Shell            : 57893
Rich Text Format : 40664
HTML             : 18166
XSLT             : 14394
JavaScript       : 8738
Dockerfile       : 6482
Batchfile        : 24

However, when the two commands are run sequentially or in a script, the output contains only language 'PowerShell' information.

PS C:\> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Verbose
>> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName powershell -RepositoryName powershell -Verbose
VERBOSE: [0.16.1] Executing: Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName "microsoft" -RepositoryName "PowerShellForGitHub" -Verbose:$true
VERBOSE: Getting languages for PowerShellForGitHub
VERBOSE: Accessing [Get] [Timeout = 0)]
VERBOSE: HTTP/1.1 GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received 22-byte response of content type application/json
VERBOSE: Telemetry has been disabled via configuration. Skipping reporting event [Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage].

VERBOSE: [0.16.1] Executing: Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName "powershell" -RepositoryName "powershell" -Verbose:$true
VERBOSE: Getting languages for powershell
VERBOSE: Accessing [Get] [Timeout = 0)]
VERBOSE: HTTP/1.1 GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received 166-byte response of content type application/json
VERBOSE: Telemetry has been disabled via configuration. Skipping reporting event [Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage].

PS C:\> cat $Env:USERPROFILE/bin/atest.ps1
Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Verbose
Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName powershell -RepositoryName powershell -Verbose

PS C:\> & $Env:USERPROFILE/bin/atest.ps1
VERBOSE: [0.16.1] Executing: Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName "microsoft" -RepositoryName "PowerShellForGitHub" -Verbose:$true
VERBOSE: Getting languages for PowerShellForGitHub
VERBOSE: Accessing [Get] [Timeout = 0)]
VERBOSE: HTTP/1.1 GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received 22-byte response of content type application/json
VERBOSE: Telemetry has been disabled via configuration. Skipping reporting event [Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage].

VERBOSE: [0.16.1] Executing: Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName "powershell" -RepositoryName "powershell" -Verbose:$true
VERBOSE: Getting languages for powershell
VERBOSE: Accessing [Get] [Timeout = 0)]
VERBOSE: HTTP/1.1 GET with 0-byte payload
VERBOSE: received 166-byte response of content type application/json
VERBOSE: Telemetry has been disabled via configuration. Skipping reporting event [Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage].

PS C:\> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub | Get-Member

   TypeName: GitHub.RepositoryLanguage

Name        MemberType   Definition
----        ----------   ----------
Equals      Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode Method       int GetHashCode()
GetType     Method       type GetType()
ToString    Method       string ToString()
PowerShell  NoteProperty long PowerShell=1446793

PS C:\> Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName powershell -RepositoryName powershell | Get-Member

   TypeName: GitHub.RepositoryLanguage

Name             MemberType   Definition
----             ----------   ----------
Equals           Method       bool Equals(System.Object obj)
GetHashCode      Method       int GetHashCode()
GetType          Method       type GetType()
ToString         Method       string ToString()
Batchfile        NoteProperty long Batchfile=24
C#               NoteProperty long C#=30816340
Dockerfile       NoteProperty long Dockerfile=6482
HTML             NoteProperty long HTML=18166
JavaScript       NoteProperty long JavaScript=8738
PowerShell       NoteProperty long PowerShell=5130858
Rich Text Format NoteProperty long Rich Text Format=40664
Roff             NoteProperty long Roff=216538
Shell            NoteProperty long Shell=57893
XSLT             NoteProperty long XSLT=14394
HowardWolosky commented 1 year ago

This is simply the nature of PowerShell ... nothing specific to this module.

This will produce the same result.

$a = Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName microsoft -RepositoryName PowerShellForGitHub -Verbose
$b = Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName powershell -RepositoryName powershell -Verbose

>> $b

Or more simply:

$a = [PSCustomObject]@{'a' = 1} 
$b = [PSCustomObject]@{'a' = 1; 'b' = 2; 'c' = 3 }

>> $b

What are you trying to accomplish with that command? It's pretty ambiguous at the moment.

Liturgist commented 1 year ago

@HowardWolosky, I would like to produce a list of repos and the languages used. Something like:

RepoName    Language            Loc
--------    --------            ---
repo1       PowerShell          0858
repo2       C#                  30816340
repo2       PowerShell          5130858
repo2       Roff                216538
repo2       Shell               57893
repo3       Rich Text Format    40664
repo3       HTML                18166
HowardWolosky commented 1 year ago

ConvertFrom-Json converts a json string into a [PSCustomObject], and that's what PowerShellForGitHub is built on top of (as is almost any PowerShell module that interacts with a REST Api). The objects that come out of that Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage are not guaranteed to have the same properties however (both PowerShell and PowerShellForGitHub have a PowerShell property, but PowerShell has a number of other ones as well). PowerShell doesn't know how to merge disparate [PSCustomObject]s into a single table.

To achieve that list, you'll need to do post-processing of the data. Something like this:

$repos = @(
    @{'owner' = 'PowerShell'; 'name' = 'PowerShell' },
    @{'owner' = 'microsoft'; 'name' = 'PowerShellForGitHub' }

$repoLanguages = @()

foreach ($repo in $repos)
    $result = Get-GitHubRepositoryLanguage -OwnerName $repo.owner -RepositoryName $
    foreach ($lang in $result.PSObject.Properties.Name)
        $repoLanguages += [PSCustomObject]@{
            'owner' = $repo.owner
            'repo' = $
            'language' = $lang
            'loc' = $result.$lang

# this will spit out a table that matches what you're looking for:

owner      repo                language              loc
-----      ----                --------              ---
PowerShell PowerShell          C#               30816340
PowerShell PowerShell          PowerShell        5140070
PowerShell PowerShell          Roff               216538
PowerShell PowerShell          Shell               57893
PowerShell PowerShell          Rich Text Format    40664
PowerShell PowerShell          HTML                18166
PowerShell PowerShell          XSLT                14394
PowerShell PowerShell          JavaScript           8738
PowerShell PowerShell          Dockerfile           6482
PowerShell PowerShell          Batchfile              24
microsoft  PowerShellForGitHub PowerShell        1446793