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Integrate clang-tidy linter #1014

Open yuyoyuppe opened 4 years ago

yuyoyuppe commented 4 years ago

Summary of the new feature/enhancement

clang-tidy is a great C++ linter with many useful automated refactorings. We may integrate it to our pipeline, starting with the formatting script. Unlike clang-format, it requires a compilation database which we need to provide somehow, e.g. using this.

crutkas commented 4 years ago

@DHowett-MSFT does terminal use something like this?

crutkas commented 4 years ago

@yuyoyuppe how long do you feel it would take to integrate this?

yuyoyuppe commented 4 years ago

@crutkas a couple of days tops.

crutkas commented 4 years ago

Any reason not to do it in 20.02?

DHowett-MSFT commented 4 years ago

@crutkas nah, Terminal is only using clang-format. We're using standard Visual Studio static analysis for our "tidiness" checks, but it doesn't do any automated refactorings.

enricogior commented 4 years ago

No need to do this in 20.02.