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Option for 'Alt + Tab' cycling only through applications in the focused display #13154

Open dougwl opened 3 years ago

dougwl commented 3 years ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Basically, while using multiple monitors, would be nice to have an option limiting the Alt + Tab cycle to applications present in the currently active/in focus monitor . The pop up would be shown in the designated display with only the available windows in it.

Scenario when this would be used?

Having multiple applications distributed in different monitors can make cycling through Alt + Tab overwhelming, especially in case the circumstance calls for switching between only windows in the same display. Since, a lot of the time, secondary displays during certain workflows hold just the apps that will have little to none interaction and are simply acting as visual aid for something else; grouping them in this manner would (probably) reduce time and amount of required interaction spent in the task. Multiple windows of the same program (a browser, for example) can create a lot of visual noise, music players and docs/pdfs can just, lay there, static. So, by having this separation of concerns, things can be a lot easier while hopping between anything in the focused display.

Supporting information

Maybe, the issue could be solved by having this other suggestion implemented: ( #58 ), but it does look much more complex and doesn't seem to have gained increased interest this days.

In the end, it may be a very welcome addition even without certainty of how many people are interested by the idea. It's one of those things people don't realize they've been missing, until running into it by chance.

Or it's niche, I guess. .-.

Relevant Link:

Alt + Tab Handler is a paid tool (not tested), that seems to offer what is being asked/suggested here and plus some other options.

ariccb commented 2 years ago

I just want to comment to add support to this idea. I generally don't use Alt+Tab for precisely the reason that it's too overwhelming with all my windows to choose from at once. If it was a per- monitor thing, it'd be much more useful

stefansjfw commented 1 year ago

Same problem, but different approach to solving it

ssgosh commented 1 year ago

Any idea if this feature is planned? Would be really useful when working with multiple monitors!

joadoumie commented 1 year ago


Similar ask for more control of alt-tab behavior to a specific set of apps.

dvdstelt commented 1 year ago

I created issue #24488 and my main issue is that I have a large screen with one main (primary) zone. When ALT+TABbing I do not want to see applications in alternative zones, only the primary zone. As mentioned in the description, in the other zones, I have Spotify, Slack, Teams, additional Chrome/Edge windows, a camera surveillance application, etc.

CommanderAlchemy commented 1 year ago

I agree with everyone here, win-tab is bit useless and choppy, and also seems odd not to have it in alt-tab where even most Linux desktops implement features like this. And if not a setting in Windows a great feature for PowerToys =)

I think a setting Zone, Screen, Desktop and Desktops where alt-tab will filter on. Zone could be maybe bit different odd but heres a proposal/suggestion.

Zone: Then say you have Monitor A zone 1, Monitor B zone 2 and 3. You have mouse over zone 2. alt-tab will only display windows within zone 2. (so tracking mouse here would be needed, or maybe active window?)

Screen: Similar to how zone works but it tracks the current screen and cycles alt-tab with all widows on active screen (mouse or active window?)

Desktop: As it is currently default in Windows?, shows every window that is in current desktop

Desktops/All: Show all windows from all desktops.

This way i think it will fit different workflows. For me I have 1 monitor in portrait for "side activity" ie chat, spotify etc etc (contains multiple zones)

And my main work monitor (contains multiple zones) as main monitor. Alt-tab for me on my main monitor i don't care that i have the "side activity" apps and want just to toggle between my main monitor items.

Having multiple windows open makes the alt-tab overwhelming.