microsoft / PowerToys

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Using power toys FANCY ZONES on docked computers is not ideal - optional setting on monitor resolution chane/monitor change #24399

Open gmta10101 opened 1 year ago

gmta10101 commented 1 year ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

there would ideally be a setting that when a monitor is changed or resolution changes, the zones are disbanded and all apps go either fullscreen or back to their original window size. or for fancy zones to be assigned to specific monitors to adapt to two primary display configurations, undocked tablets and superultrawide monitors

Scenario when this would be used?

The situation is needed as many people using fancy zones now are using it because of the new super ultrawides on the market, i was convinced from two other people who also use this setup with fancy zones and it has transformed my experience!
the issue is that when moving from a super ultrawide 5120 x 1440 which is 49" switches to my surfacebook2 4k 15" all the windows detach their zones and layer on eachother in skinny tiny windows, then i have to spend 5 minutes stretching out the windows again

Supporting information

i have played around with the settings there but it only seems to work when switching between monitors of similar sizes, the zones do not transfer from a 49inch super ultrawide to a 3:2 15" display, the windows need to either modify their original window size or all go fullscreen,

I would argue that a majority of people using fancy zones now are those with super ultrawide monitors and a significant portion of those people use docked laptops now. I have heard this issue pop up from a number of poeple on youtube and in day to day conversation

gmta10101 commented 1 year ago

also thank you to the developers for making such a amazing tool! honestly this super ultrawide monitor would have been returned if i had to use standard windows window snapping features and only have two windows at a time