Open HallvardSkrede opened 10 months ago
Also, suggestion: Search for specific text, and be able to edit at start of the name. E.g. the 50 files named "2001-01AB.cpt" to "2001-50AB.cpt" can be searched among 500 other files in the same folder, and then when renaming write: "^AB" or "{^AB}" so that the names become "AB2001-01AB.cpt" to "AB2001-50AB.cpt"., and then the user would have to remove the latter two letters by "AB." replaced by "."
It could even be potential to use "{^1, AB}" "{^2, AB}" , etc. to pinpoint which character number should become something, counted from the start of the name, or like this "{-1, AB}" "{-2, AB}", "{0, AB}", "{1, AB}" to reference relative to the point in the original text where search-text is found, and then go "+" and "-" characters from there. Eg., could the search "AB" in the former mentioned list, and then replace "{-2, AB}" work like this: "2001-AB01AB.cpt" to "2001-AB50AB.cpt" and then do similar as above.
is this still a problem? /needinfo
@ethanfangg Hello, I tried to mark several schortcuts now to edit their names. Only one of the names showed up, and when I replaced text in it, it changed the "actual file name" and not the name of the schortcut.
e.g. "My file.pdf" and "My File.pdf.Ink", where .Ink is the schortcut format.
Then the .Ink-file is not edited, but the .pdf ...
And also, just one of the files were marked, instead of all files...
Regards Hallvard
Microsoft PowerToys version
Installation method
Microsoft Store
Running as admin
Area(s) with issue?
Steps to reproduce
I had a set of pdfs that i dragged and recreated shortcuts with. These all end with " - Shortcut". I thought of using powerrename and cut away that part, but only one and one file showed up in the powername-window.
✔️ Expected Behavior
Files don't show up when marked.
❌ Actual Behavior
One name showed up, here 3 is selected:
Other Software
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