microsoft / PowerToys

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Unable to switch to a different virtual desktop when always on top is enabled #32090

Open PixelHabits opened 4 months ago

PixelHabits commented 4 months ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

Microsoft Store

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Always on Top

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create at least 2 virtual desktops using the taskbar symbol
  2. Open an application or terminal window and set it to be Always on Top in virtual desktop 1.
  3. Press the taskbar symbol and try to switch to desktop 2 using mouse pointer not keyboard shortcuts

✔️ Expected Behavior

It is expected to switch to alternate virtual desktop and stay on the alternate desktop until the user initiates another change.

❌ Actual Behavior

It will open the alternate desktop for a moment and then immediately switch back to the first desktop that has the window with Always on Top. If keyboard shortcuts are used to switch then it will maintain the change. Occasionally a blue outline of where the window that was placed on top in desktop 1 will still be displayed on the alternate desktop when using the keyboard switch method.

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