microsoft / PowerToys

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File Explorer preview pane switching does not work #32113

Open jingchen01 opened 3 months ago

jingchen01 commented 3 months ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method


Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

File Explorer: Preview Pane

Steps to reproduce

I installed powertoy 0.79.0, in "File Explorer add-ons", it enabled preview pane for types of files by default. Including txt, python and pdf.


It failed to render the text in preview pane. image

It failed to render the pdf in preview pane. image

It failed to render the python in preview pane. image

When I disable preview pane for "Source code files" and "pdf", the preview pane works

image txt preview image python preview image pdf preview image

✔️ Expected Behavior

PowerToy "File Explorer add-ons" enables a preview pane for types of files by default. The preview pane should work.

❌ Actual Behavior

Preview pane in PowerToy's "File Explorer add-ons" won't work until preview switches are turned off.ew switches.

Other Software

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jingchen01 commented 3 months ago

I searched for similar issues, but they did not mention the nature of the problem. The preview pane implementation works mostly. The issue is from the switching buttons. PDF preview not working #28537 Preview Pane Does not show PDFs or Code files #29916

I cloned the repository, debugged this issue in visual studio. To enable preview pane by default, it actually binds with disabled configurations. I attached the screenshots with 0.79 powertoy repository. In PowerToys\src\settings-ui\Settings.UI\SettingsXAML\Views\PowerPreviewPage.xaml image image

Please give me an opportunity to fix it!

jingchen01 commented 3 months ago

I will create a pull request later.