microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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[Power Toys-Image resizer]: The dimensions are not announced by the narrator of the sizes in the combo box. #32260

Open Anshi0420 opened 3 months ago

Anshi0420 commented 3 months ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Image Resizer

Steps to reproduce

Test environment: OS Build: Windows 11 Enterprise insider preview 23H2 (22631.3296) Power toys version: v0.79.0 Screen reader: Narrator

Repro Steps:

  1. Open the Power Toys app in the desktop.
  2. Now open the file explorer and now open menu of the image.
  3. Now select the resize with image resizer.
  4. Turn on the narrator using Win + Ctrl + Enter.
  5. Now navigate Size combo box present on the dialogue.
  6. Observe the narrator's announcement.

User Experience: Lack of dimension announcements by the screen reader can create barriers for users who rely on assistive technologies to navigate the interface.

Guideline reference:



✔️ Expected Behavior

When selecting a size from the combo box, the screen reader should announce the dimensions associated with the selected option.

❌ Actual Behavior

The dimensions selected from the combo box are not announced by the screen reader only size name is announced.

Other Software

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