microsoft / PowerToys

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Configuration screen in FancyZones #32486

Open ebrancaleone opened 3 months ago

ebrancaleone commented 3 months ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method


Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

FancyZones Editor

Steps to reproduce

FancyZones Hello, sorry for my bad english. I want to report a problem that i'm having with FancyZones Editor. When I am at work i have 3 screens in 1920x1080 and at home i have 1 screen in 5120x1440. When I installed PowerToys I was at work. When I run FancyZones at home there is an issue because FancyZones remember the configuration that i have at work but don't recognize actual configuration (1 screen). So I can't do anything to adjust and apply my personalization screen. My computer is Windows 11. Thank you so much for reading. And thank you for your tool, it's very appreciable.

✔️ Expected Behavior

No response

❌ Actual Behavior

No response

Other Software

No response

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htcfreek commented 3 months ago

@ebrancaleone Can you please upload a /bugreport for debugging.

@SeraphimaZykova Can you look into this?

ebrancaleone commented 3 months ago

@ebrancaleone Can you please upload a /bugreport for debugging.

@SeraphimaZykova Can you look into this?

I don't know if there is any coincidence but FancyZones is pined to my windows taskbar and when the issue produce when I launch it by this shortcut. I tried to launch by tray icon of PowerToys and the issue disappeared. Do you still want me to send you the bugreport zip ?

htcfreek commented 3 months ago

Do you still want me to send you the bugreport zip ?

@ebrancaleone Yes, please.

ebrancaleone commented 3 months ago Here is the bugreport zip. Thank you. This morning when i was back to my work, FancyZones display the configuration screen of my home (yesterday). I confirm you that if FancyZones is pined to my taskbar the configuration screen is not actualize at start. But when i open the editor by the tray icon the configuration updates. image

Jay-o-Way commented 3 months ago

Have you tried closing and re-opening PowerToys?

ebrancaleone commented 3 months ago

Of course. Even try to reboot computer. The issue is still exists. When I switch between work and home I shutdown my computer. So PowerToys is reboot.

SeraphimaZykova commented 2 months ago

I don't know if there is any coincidence but FancyZones is pined to my windows taskbar and when the issue produce when I launch it by this shortcut. I tried to launch by tray icon of PowerToys and the issue disappeared.

It's not a coincidence. When you launch the Editor via shortcut or from settings, FancyZones collects information about the monitor configuration and writes it to the file, which is used by the Editor then. This doesn't happen if you launch it just from the taskbar and the Editor uses the data from previous launches.

ebrancaleone commented 2 months ago

I don't know if there is any coincidence but FancyZones is pined to my windows taskbar and when the issue produce when I launch it by this shortcut. I tried to launch by tray icon of PowerToys and the issue disappeared.

It's not a coincidence. When you launch the Editor via shortcut or from settings, FancyZones collects information about the monitor configuration and writes it to the file, which is used by the Editor then. This doesn't happen if you launch it just from the taskbar and the Editor uses the data from previous launches.

Thank you for your answer I will launch by editor from settings next time