microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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toolshortcut #32633

Closed itzCeso closed 2 weeks ago

itzCeso commented 3 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

A way to activate and deactivate different tools, via hotkey or maybe just in the shortcut menu.

Scenario when this would be used?

For me personally I mainly use Powertoys as a way to quickly remap my keyboard keys for a hard to explain minecraft speedrun thing, but I think that a lot of people could benefit from a quicker way to activate and deactivate theyre powertoys tools since not all tools are used in all situations and some can even hinder things and be annoying.

Supporting information

Well I dont use a lot of tools but the main thing that even got me to this idea was that I rebind a lot of my keyboard keys to weird things for a complicated minecraft speedrun strategy but when I want to quickly type something somewhere I have to open the app fully and find the specific tool turn it of and do it all again when I want to speedrun again.

github-actions[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

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crutkas commented 2 weeks ago

This is dependent on the tool. For KBM, /dup #4879 is the ask.

microsoft-github-policy-service[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

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