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Multi monitor focusing (physical external monitor, not virtual desktop) #32692

Open teoshibin opened 2 months ago

teoshibin commented 2 months ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Some simple shortcut to jump focus between monitors (e.g. between primary and secondary monitors or maybe even numbered shortcut to jump directly to specific monitor). It would make sense if the last used window on that specific monitor is focused and maybe additional keys to navigate splits within that monitor.

It seems like extended monitors on windows are considered as an extension of the same virtual desktop, thus a huge list of windows open on both monitor will jumbled up all in one single alt + tab list which makes sense because they share the same virtual desktop, however the result of this is an unusable navigation due to huge amount of windows on two different screen that shares the same alt tab list.

I would say the default implementation of window management for multi monitor in windows isn't ideal.

Scenario when this would be used?

People who have more than one monitor and doing tasks back and forth while typing requires absurd amount of mouse moving and clicking in order to focus different screens.

Supporting information

I would agree that this is something that should exist within OS itself, otherwise at the very least in powertoyz for power user. I would disagree on installing some 3rd party tools trying to achieve this and will possibly be archived sooner or later due to constant windows update and breakage. This should've been part of the OS.

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