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Mouse without Borders - Not Working at all #32751

Open The12thUnique opened 2 months ago

The12thUnique commented 2 months ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

Other (please specify in "Steps to Reproduce")

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Mouse Without Borders

Steps to reproduce Machine 1 Machine 2

Machine 1 is Win10 and Machine 2 is Win11 - this worked fine yesterday. Since then all I changed is the boot drive to a SATA SSD on Machine 1. Both machines have the name of the other machine show up in the list but there's no colored box beside the other machine in either of them. Also Machine 2 has Machine 1's name show up capitalized and I am not sure how to change that. The new key generation is also stuck - both of them are showing the same key in that field, and clicking new key does nothing. They are both on the same network, ping requests go through.

image Machine 1 image Machine 2

✔️ Expected Behavior

  1. Machines connect and Mouse and Keyboard are shared seamlessly
  2. New Key is generated when clicking on 'New Key' button

❌ Actual Behavior

  1. Machines show each other's names, machine shows it as capitalized but they are not connected
  2. New key is not being generated when clicking on 'New Key' button

Other Software

No response

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The12thUnique commented 2 months ago

Oh I forgot to add this I downloaded it for both the machines from the github page

mfriedman79 commented 1 month ago

Also had/have similar issue after updating to 0.80.1 where machines would see eachother but never connect. Always the "yellow" border on the communication state. Once I turned off the "Use Service" option on both machines things started working again. Something definitely is off with that feature or something in a windows update is causing an issue (yes I know, a very technical analysis this is /s).

BingoBiscuit commented 1 month ago

Not ideal, but I noticed that changing the network connection type from Public to Private restores the connection between the two laptops I am using. I lose connection as soon as I change it back to Public

Under Settings>Network & Internet> Ethernet

This is v0.81.1 (and the previous version).

Not sure why this would be the case..

neur1n commented 1 month ago

I would like to contribute additional details regarding my experience with MWB to assist in resolving similar issues MWB may be facing, if the OP is fine with it.

I've tried different software KVMs, among which the working ones (without any operating system tweaks) are:

  1. synergy
  2. barrier
  3. input leap
  4. lan-mouse

and the following ones are not working no matter how I configure my network (e.g., Private/Public, device discoverability):

  1. mouse without borders (MWB)
  2. cursr

Moreover, I've tried to add IP address mapping to MWB, but it did not work either.