microsoft / PowerToys

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"Never combine, hide labels" option for Windows 11 taskbar #32765

Closed aperlei closed 2 months ago

aperlei commented 2 months ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

As it is, Windows 11 offers 3 "Combine taskbar buttons and hide labels" options:

A longstanding request within the community has been the 4th option - never combine buttons, but hide labels. This would allow for easy 1-click access to multiple app windows, while preserving the cleanliness and compactness hidden labels offer.

Windows 10 offered several workarounds via registry keys as well as dedicated 3rd party utility apps. Windows 11 changed the inner workings of taskbar, breaking existing workarounds. This would be a good feature for PowerToys to include - niche enough, but also requiring core system behavior modification that is best trusted to Microsoft itself.

Scenario when this would be used?

Productivity booster for users of multiple app windows - allows for 1-click window switching, while removing the clutter of labels.

Supporting information

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