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PowerToys Peek - close with ESC #32814

Open georgelogosol opened 2 months ago

georgelogosol commented 2 months ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Would be nice to have Peek applet to close with ESC (when not set to close on losing focus).

Scenario when this would be used?

In keyboard-heavy environments: File Explorer with several files, one needs to view quickly. Select the file with up/down, to open Peek, do something else, return to Peek with Alt-Tab. Hitting most of the time requires two hands.

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crutkas commented 2 months ago

Esc works to close Peek if it is in focus. I'm testing with 0.80.1

Can you provide a full scenario cause maybe i'm missing the nuance of your ask. /needinfo

What i'm doing is

  1. selecting a file in file explorer. In this case, a json file
  2. Hitting Control-Space to invoke Peek
  3. Alt-Tab to Edge
  4. Alt-Tab back to Peek
  5. Hit ESC key

Peek dismisses.

georgelogosol commented 2 months ago


I appreeciate your fast response, but I'm too on 0.80.1, and Escape key does not close Peek.

Regards, George

ethanfangg commented 2 months ago

What do your Peek settings look like?

georgelogosol commented 2 months ago

[cid:13f6cd52-b424-4cd5-887b-7059098a8b38] My use case: I have multiple virtual desktops. Many apps (Acrobat Reader, Excel) open subsequent documents on the virtual desktop where there's already an opened window. I use Peek to quick-view on a PDF without jumping to another VD.

Regards, George

jiez1812 commented 1 month ago

Hi, I encountered the same issue where Peek doesn't close when pressing esc. Strangely, I managed to resolve it by enabling and disabling auto close. Now, it can be closed by pressing esc.