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Change context menu shortcut from W to A #32913

Open Phatlynx opened 1 month ago

Phatlynx commented 1 month ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Currently, right clicking and pressing W cycles through PowerRename and New, can we change the right click shortcut menu of PowerRename to X?

A better workflow would allow users to create new folders without having to cycle through between the two context menu entries.

I've found the place where I can change it manually, but it would be great to not have to manually change it every time powertoys gets a new update.

src/modules/powerrename/dll/Resources.resx <value>Rename with Po&amp;werRename</value>

Scenario when this would be used?

Posted a screenshot the right click context menu and you can see PowerRename uses W and image

Supporting information

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dullahan8 commented 1 month ago

I just ran into this myself today. I use the "W" shortcut for "New > Something" quite often. (ie: W>F for New Folder; W>T for New Text File; etc.)