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Fancy Zone Resize #32958

Open joshhlevi opened 1 month ago

joshhlevi commented 1 month ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

This resize feature would allow the mouse scroll wheel to be used while dragging a window to increase/decrease the selected window's size proportional to it's current aspect ratio AFTER the zone layout view has been activated either by shift or non-primary mouse button. Within the settings, have a location for the user to adjust how much the window get's resized per wheel movement.

Process: User selects a window to relocate/resize, then activates fancy zone viewer with shift or non-primary mouse. Zone layout pops up transparent to drop window into resize zone. User does this to resize, or user then moves mouse scroll wheel up/down to resize selected window larger/smaller Window is resized depending on user input proportional to the selecting windows current ratio

Pro tip: Since many times we don't utilize the standard dimensions in our custom curated layouts (16:9) shouldn't be used. Have the program take the selected window, and resize incrementally with the same aspect ratio as it is currently.

Pro tip: Suggest users to make a resize template fancy zone layout so they can have a few unique aspect ratio templates to hover over right before they resize to really take this feature up a notch

Scenario when this would be used?

Any time you are working with multiple applications/windows of varying types and sizes and are generating new windows and want to organize them quickly but with a different size than any of my 10 templates.

Someone who doesn't want to make multiple zone layouts, would rather have a template for a few different aspect ratios and resize with mouse wheel to size appropriate for selected window

Someone who really wants to customize screen layout better suited for the project they are working on without switching layouts - make a template.

For someone that doesn't use the same zone layouts or works on varying projects with different # of windows needed.

Supporting information

probably rambled too long in the first two :)

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