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Paste as Plain Text - Excel Bug #33054

Open Eric00000000000 opened 1 month ago

Eric00000000000 commented 1 month ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Advanced Paste

Steps to reproduce

Copy 1 or more cells in Excel, then paste in Excel as plain text with ctrl-win-alt v.

✔️ Expected Behavior

I would expect Paste as Plain Text to have the same size as my initial selection, and for all formatting to be removed.

❌ Actual Behavior

1 row of cells directly beneath my paste area is cleared, as if I had copied my selection + blank cells beneath my selection. It doesn't matter if I make a horizontal selection or a vertical selection, 1 row of null cells is allways pasted beneath my selection.

For example:

Copy: Hello | Goodbye Paste: Hello | Goodbye null | null


Other Software

Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2406 Build 16.0.17716.20002) 64-bit

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Eric00000000000 commented 1 month ago

I've updated to PowerToys 0.81.0 and the issue has persisted.
Also, I have updated Excel to Microsoft® Excel® for Microsoft 365 MSO (Version 2405 Build 16.0.17628.20006) 64-bit. Still, it has persisted.

The issue is exclusive to pasting within Excel, and only when you have copied something that is also within excel. The issue does not occur when using ctrl+v, or when using excel's "Paste Special" functions. If I paste into another application, there is no unexpected row beneath my pasted content. However, it would be ideal if PowerToys would resume working as it did before. The issue began after an update a month ago, approximately.

johnzeiger commented 1 month ago

The same behavior occurs if PureText is being used to achieve the same functionality (and PowerToys is uninstalled)

johnzeiger commented 1 month ago

I fixed it in PowerToys by setting up a shortcut in the Keyboard Manager that maps the same key I set in Advanced Paste to the Excel shortcut key for Paste as Plain Text (CTRL+ SHIFT + V)

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