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Scroll language switch for Text Extractor #33089

Open an-ko-7 opened 1 month ago

an-ko-7 commented 1 month ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

When the Text Extractor is activated, instead of the user having to click and select the language they want to OCR from the dropdown, just scrolling up or down instantly shows the dropdown and selects the next or previous language that is in the list.

Scenario when this would be used?

For multilingual users that use screen OCR all the time, one default language isn't handy. They need to constantly switch languages from the dropdown which is a bit time consuming, especially on large monitors. A mouse scroll is a very fast solution.

Supporting information

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htcfreek commented 1 month ago

@an-ko-7 Interesting idea.

Feel free to open a PR. Your contribution is welcome. Thank you for your work on this. If you have any further questions you can ask us.