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Shortcut to Enable/Disable Keyboard Manager or Toggle Between Profiles #33218

Open BH788 opened 1 month ago

BH788 commented 1 month ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

It'd be pretty handy if we had the ability to set a keyboard shortcut to quickly enable/disable keyboard manager. A more advanced version of this idea would be the ability to create multiple remapping profiles, with a shortcut to cycle between them.

Scenario when this would be used?

The major use case of this feature is for laptops where users are regularly switching between a limited-size internal keyboard on the go and a more full-featured external keyboard at their desk. I understand it's not possible to see whether a keystroke came from a particular keyboard, but the ability to quickly make a manual switch with a shortcut would enhance the usability of the tool. In my use case, my remappings are just because of silly internal keyboard layouts, so aren't needed at all on external keyboards. But other users making more extensive use of Keyboard Manager would probably want to create a set for internal and a different one for external, so would benefit from the more advanced version described above.

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