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Fancy Zones Spawning Child Wnidows #33255

Open mabourehab opened 3 weeks ago

mabourehab commented 3 weeks ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

Microsoft Store

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?


Steps to reproduce

There is an app called TickTick that behaves very strangely with FancyZones when you have the Move newly created windows to their last known zone option checked on.

The app will start up and correctly move to the last known zone it was on. However, an additional white, unmovable window is spawned with it and is stuck in the last known zone.

If I uncheck the option, this problem will stop happening with the app.

I am not sure if this is due to something in FancyZones that is causing it to spawn that additional window or if it's a problem in the TickTick app itself. Would love some insight on that!

The app is free so it should be easy to replicate.

Here are screenshots of it: UfcSzqBuUw

2024-06-06 %08h55m01s

✔️ Expected Behavior

Launch the app and only one window for the app, which is it's main one will appear and correctly move to it's last known zone.

❌ Actual Behavior

The app plus another white window of the app are both spawned and moved to the last known zone. The white window will permanently stay in the zone and cannot be moved.

Other Software

TickTick v5.5.1.0

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