microsoft / PowerToys

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FancyZones snap and configuration disagree on layout #33267

Open theunrepentantgeek opened 1 month ago

theunrepentantgeek commented 1 month ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?


Steps to reproduce

I have two docks for my laptop, one at home and one at work. Each dock has a different monitor configuration.

When I move between docks, FancyZones gets confused.

Note: I'm not sleeping or hibernating; I shutdown the laptop on one dock and then turn it on after connecting to the other.

This happens pretty consistently, but not every time.

Workaround: I can reset things by changing the configuration for Monitor 1 to something else, and then back to three rows.

✔️ Expected Behavior

The set of available zones into which I can snap a window should match the set of configured zones. After all, that's what the configuration is for! :grin:

❌ Actual Behavior

One set of zones is active - allowing me to snap windows into specific locations. But a different set of zones is configured.

Check out the following screenshot: image

On the (primary) center screen, the FancyZones settings window can be seen. Monitor 1 (the lefthand screen) has been selected and you can see that it is configured with three rows.

However, look behind the zones on the lefthand screen and you can see the main PowerToys settings page - which was snapped into place moments earlier. The active zones for monitor 1 are a Priority Grid.

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theunrepentantgeek commented 1 month ago

Comparison with linked similar issues:

24334 - Specifically identifies hot swapping. For other reasons, I always Shutdown my laptop before removing it from one dock, and turn it on fresh after connecting to the other. No hot swapping involved.

27238 - Closed as dup of #24656

9355 - Monitor geometry changed by closing laptop lid, everything else stays running. FancyZones is currently executing when the monitor geometry changes, unlike my scenario where the laptop is turned off while relocating. Issue is very old, and has been abandoned.

10792 - Disconnect and reconnect of the same dock while the laptop is running. One of my docks uses Thunderbolt 4, the other Thunderbolt 3. Issue is very old, and has been abandoned.

20202 - Different scenario due to the use of ControlMyMonitor. Seems to involve changes to monitor geometry while the PC is running, unlike my scenario.

24656 - Describes behaviour when monitors are turned off while the PC is running; FancyZones is currently executing when the monitor geometry changes, unlike my scenario.