microsoft / PowerToys

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Toggle Dark Mode / Light Mode Keyboard Shortcut #33285

Closed ralban closed 1 month ago

ralban commented 1 month ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

A rapid way (e.g., system tray icon and/or keyboard shortcut) to toggle Light Mode & Dark Mode in "Personalization > Colors"


Scenario when this would be used?

Mobile users with laptops and Surface tablets may find themselves frequently moving from indoor environments with minimal sunlight to outdoor environments with maximum sunlight. Many users prefer Dark Mode for indoor and low-light environments, but must use Light Mode when working in high sun-light conditions. Today, this fastest way to do this is searching the Settings, Navigating to the Personalization > Colors settings, and Clicking the desired value. A system tray utility with keyboard shortcut would expedite this experience for Power Users.

Supporting information

A third-party tool exists for this use-case, but it only supports Windows 10 and doesn't fully support Windows 11.

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crutkas commented 1 month ago


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