microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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[information] solution of sticky keys issue #33316

Open Box-o opened 3 weeks ago

Box-o commented 3 weeks ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method


Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Keyboard Manager

Steps to reproduce

Keyboard Manager sticky keys issues are fixed by always run as administrator mode in Power Toy settings!

ㅤ If you use three combinations of keystrokes including a control, alt, shift, the sticky keys that have already been disabled in the system settings are secretly activated I don't know why it's sticky. someone knows please explain

In my case, I changed the windows key arrangement to use as a Mac key arrangement, but there was a problem with the control and shift getting sticky

According to the Official user documentation scenarios PowerToys will not work in is Intercepting certain types of keyboard strokes

so, solution of sticky keys is go to PowerToys Settings - General - Administrator mode and enable Always run as administrator

hope you enjoy this tool happily

✔️ Expected Behavior

The changed key array, alt+shift+ESC, should normally deliver control+shift+ESC and open task manager

❌ Actual Behavior

It delivers successfully and the task manager opened, but the control or shift keys are sticky

Other Software

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