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File Locksmith does not follow shortcuts #33400

Open mike406 opened 4 weeks ago

mike406 commented 4 weeks ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method


Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

File Locksmith

Steps to reproduce

  1. Create a shortcut to a file that is lockable, like a Word Document
  2. Open the file so it locks
  3. Right click the shortcut, choose Unlock With File Locksmith
  4. In the resulting window, no results are found
  5. Now right click the shortcut and choose Open File Location
  6. Right click the real file and chose Unlock With File Locksmith
  7. Now the locking application is found

✔️ Expected Behavior

File Locksmith should automatically resolve shortcuts, other third party unlocking programs can already do this

❌ Actual Behavior

File Locksmith does not resolve shortcuts so you must always unlock using the underlying file directly

Other Software

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mike406 commented 4 weeks ago

Screen recording demonstrating the difference between File Locksmith and a third party tool LockHunter