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New tool : 1 click path copy/paste from Explorer to open/save dialog box #33432

Open yichnal opened 2 weeks ago

yichnal commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

On top of the window file explorer is the address bar where the current path is displayed. When an app needs to open/save a file, it issues a dialog box, which has also an address field on top filed with the default source/destination folder.

The new 1click app would allow the immediate copy/paste of the path of an already opened Explorer into the open/save dialog box. It could work by clicking on an Explorer window or Explorer tab.

Scenario when this would be used?

That shortcut could be use all the time and by all apps which use the standard open/save dialog box.

For example suppose you already have 3 Explorer windows opened (or 1 with 3 tabs) with : C:\Desktop D:\some\long\path E:\some\other\path.

You create a new file in an editor for example. You type C-s to save it, and you want to add it to the folder E:\some\other\path. A click in the windows explorer where E:\some\other\path is opened and that path will instantly replace the path in the save dialog box.

In other words, if you have a Open/Save dialog box opened, 1 click on an Explorer window or tab will update the Source/Destination folder with the one of the Explorer.

An additional step can be added by forcing the use to select (1 click) the open/save present path (which will be highlighted and maybe replaced). It can be customized, for example replacing 1 click by double click or modifier key+click.

Supporting information

That features existed in some old version of MacOS through a system extension (before 2000, System 7 as far as I remember).

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scruel commented 3 days ago Same feature for this feature request in listary

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