microsoft / PowerToys

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magnifier multiple monitore #33444

Open cey-tech opened 3 weeks ago

cey-tech commented 3 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

The idea is that Powertoys will add a function to the built-in screen magnifier. Powertoys will enable the feature for the use of multiple monitors in fullscreen mode, allowing the user to zoom each monitor individually.

In the current version of the magnifier, if you zoom with multiple monitors, all monitors zoom into the same area. With this new feature, only the monitor where the mouse is currently active will zoom. It can detect the mouse and zoom the monitor where the mouse is currently active.

Scenario when this would be used?

It can be beneficial for many people with visual impairments who have to use the built-in magnifier. I use external software like ZoomText for this purpose. While this software includes the feature, it is expensive, requires a paid upgrade with each OS update, and is often laggy and resource-intensive.

For my work and personal use, I switched to an ultrawide display and use the built-in magnifier because it is good enough.

If this feature is added, it will be possible to work on multiple monitors and enhance multitasking.

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