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I beg for update, for HID Macros, Auto HotKey, SharpKey aren't able to do what I need, multiple support of keyboards. #33459

Open mcfreel opened 2 weeks ago

mcfreel commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Detect Multiple Keyboards as I have like Four.

Scenario when this would be used?

Photoshop Digital Painting, and After Effects Composition

Supporting information

HID MACROS are the most amazing one at detecting multiple keyboard. but Autohotkeys are awful at detecting it. But the Powertoy Tools is amazing at remapping CTRL, ALT, SHIFT, APPMENU without a problem. As you see I'm not using mechanical keyboard, but very cheap Membrane. I had been reading from 2023/2020 for the support, and it will be greatly lovely to have this support. Right now, I have two keyboards. When I'm using the first keyboard, I'm removing all my POWERTOY KEYBOARD REMAP, and changing them to regular one as they are set by HID MACROS. When I'm using Photoshop keyboard I'm remapping all to different keys, like pageup, page down, insert, delete, home into CTRL, SHIFT, ALT, SPACE, AND ESC.

I am not seeing any update about this, so I decided to write. 448759250_462539463175532_6959068414101901911_n

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mcfreel commented 2 weeks ago

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It's 2024 now, this does not support my request for someone who is not able to buy mechanical keyboard, and is recycling old keyboards, membrane one.