microsoft / PowerToys

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Increase User-Friendliness of PTRun Value Generator #33468

Open azlkiniue opened 2 weeks ago

azlkiniue commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

Right now the value generator plugin in powertoys run only give empty box, there are no any helper image

Compared with time date plugin, it will give you some options and give you some suggestions of what values this plugin can provide image

What I'm going to suggest is adding dropdown just like time and date plugin So, it will add suggestion, for example esc:data or base64d and give the quick description about how to use this command

This suggestion is coming from my frustration because I keep forgetting the usage of this plugin and should spend more time to read the documentation before I can fully utilize this great tool

Scenario when this would be used?

This will be helpful to faster know all of the feature this plugin can do, without looking for the documentation page

Supporting information

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htcfreek commented 2 weeks ago

That's definitely a must have.

JeremyCPE commented 1 week ago

I would like to look at this, this will be my first contribution

htcfreek commented 1 week ago

@JeremyCPE Your contribution is welcome and thank you for your work on this. Feel free to open a PR. If you have any further questions don't worry to ask them.

azlkiniue commented 1 week ago

Hi @JeremyCPE, I want to know how is your progress regarding this issue I made this simple PoC to give more concrete idea about my suggestion image

I also haven't made a contribution to this repository yet, maybe we can collaborate together :)

JeremyCPE commented 1 week ago

Hi @azlkiniue , I haven't started to work on this issue. As it doesn't like to be a big change I don't think a collaboration is necessary, so you can just take this issue :) Thanks !