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Sometimes Peek image previews are blurry #33496

Open DNin01 opened 1 week ago

DNin01 commented 1 week ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

PowerToys auto-update, Microsoft Store

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?


Steps to reproduce

  1. Enable the Peek module
  2. Navigate to a picture file (could be a PNG, JPG, etc.) and activate Peek on it (press Ctrl+Space)

✔️ Expected Behavior

The preview should be clear and sharp if it can fit within the Peek window.

❌ Actual Behavior

Sometimes the preview is slightly blurry. I think it's because the Peek window is having its size miscalculated, making the previewed image shrink to fit.

If you maximize or increase the size of the window (usually vertically), it looks fine.

Now, of course, larger images that can't fit in the Peek window will have this issue, but I have also seen most medium-sized pictures that touch the top or bottom edges of the Peek window have this issue. Here's a good example:

If you look very closely at the video, there are lines on the left and right edges of the preview. That's the background.

Here, and pretty much every time, the window's height is one pixel less than it should be.

Exactly how the blurring shows up might depend on the graphics components of your device.

Other Software

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