microsoft / PowerToys

Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
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PowerToys Run #33498

Open adarwash opened 2 weeks ago

adarwash commented 2 weeks ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

If I have an application already open but minimised and I press ctrl+space and type vscode, it would be nice for it to maximise again instead of opening a new vscode, like how MacOS currently does.

Scenario when this would be used?

This can be quicker to maximise application again instead of clicking on the taskbar with the mouse trying to find an app amongst other opened apps, and it is quicker than windows+tab if I have lots of applications open and need to switch between multiple apps as quickly as possible

Supporting information

MacOS search box has this function

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adarwash commented 2 weeks ago

Could there be a tick box in the settings so you don't need to put the less then sign every time I want to open a running app?