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Quick accent sometimes displaying original unaccented letter with accented on browsers #33509

Open CentimetresCubed opened 1 week ago

CentimetresCubed commented 1 week ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

Quick Accent

Steps to reproduce

Go to the new tab page of a browser and use quick accent. Video attached.

✔️ Expected Behavior

The expected behaviour is - I was expecting for example the letter "è".

❌ Actual Behavior

The actual behaviour is - What would happen on the first character of a web browser search bar it would say "eè" instead without cancelling the first "e". By the way this only happens on some characters (and it depends on which browser you're using whether an individual character works normally or not).

Other Software

Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, normal Opera browsers, probably more web browsers. All on latest versions (as of 26/6/2024).

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