microsoft / PowerToys

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Peek unable to get path #33519

Open mananshr opened 1 week ago

mananshr commented 1 week ago

Microsoft PowerToys version

Installation method

GitHub, PowerToys auto-update

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?


Steps to reproduce

Seems like peek didn't pick up the path required.

Log: [01:17:31.8462578] [Info] PreviewSettings::LoadSettingsFromJson Peek preview-settings.json was missing, creating a new one [01:17:32.7366201] [Error] IShellItemExtensions::GetPath Getting path failed. Value does not fall within the expected range. [01:17:32.9380494] [Error] d__13::MoveNext Error getting folder from path. The parameter is incorrect.

The specified path is too short. It must have at least 1 character. [01:18:55.2489160] [Error] IShellItemExtensions::GetPath Getting path failed. Value does not fall within the expected range. [01:18:55.3141219] [Error] d__13::MoveNext Error getting folder from path. The parameter is incorrect.

The specified path is too short. It must have at least 1 character.

✔️ Expected Behavior

To open preview

❌ Actual Behavior


Other Software

Not Applicable

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crutkas commented 1 week ago

Can you provide the file path? Is this from a phone or camera?

betting it is