microsoft / PowerToys

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Issue on SVG preview #33542

Open afeltrinelli97 opened 1 week ago

afeltrinelli97 commented 1 week ago

Microsoft PowerToys version


Installation method

Microsoft Store

Running as admin


Area(s) with issue?

File Explorer: Thumbnail preview

Steps to reproduce

just enter in a folder with only svg file. I have enabled the windows preview on the right

Screenshot 2024-06-28 091921

✔️ Expected Behavior

i expect to see all the thumbnail of the icons

❌ Actual Behavior

i see a black square on the thumbnail. But the svg is still visibile on the right panel

Other Software

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OmniNaut commented 1 day ago

Yeah I have the same problem with black thumbnails for SVG's It started with 0.81.0, still present with 0.82 Deleted, reinstalled PowerToys 0.81.1 problem not solved. Downgraded to 0.80.x also didn't solve the problem.

Because downgrading did not work. I'm considering the possibility that it could be one of the dependencies creating this problem. Tried it with Microsoft Windows Desktop Runtime x64 8.0.3 and 8.0.6 also did not solve the problem. This is the extend of my problem solving knowledge. Also tried clearing icon cache. It did rebuild the SVG previews, but loading it the second time the black thumbnails come back. Maybe some kind of data corruption somewhere?

If any extra info is necessary, I can provide. But I'm not a programmer.