microsoft / PowerToys

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Task-Oriented Desktop Configuration #33662

Open JaimeStill opened 5 days ago

JaimeStill commented 5 days ago

Description of the new feature / enhancement

A PowerToy that enables context-based desktop configurations that facilitate the activities to be completing for that session: gaming, research, development, content creation, etc. These configurations should be easily editable and loaded, similar to how FancyZones can configure and manage desktop window regions.

Virtual Desktop layouts could use different configurations and adjust your PC configuration on the fly by switching the active desktop. These configurations could be synced to your Microsoft account and allow you to organize your configurations into logical groups: device, environment, etc.

Configuration Ideas

Scenario when this would be used?

When setting up my desktop environment, it would be helpful if I could think of the layout in terms of multiple scenarios instead of being constrained to a single master layout. When sitting down to accomplish anything on my computer, I could switch to a configuration that's tailored towards what I'm trying to accomplish without any distracting clutter.

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Jay-o-Way commented 3 days ago

With so many "expectations", wouldn't it be an idea to use different Windows accounts?

JaimeStill commented 3 days ago

With so many "expectations", wouldn't it be an idea to use different Windows accounts?

I would prefer not to have to do that and juggle multiple logins just to support different configurations. It’s not lost on me that this is probably a rather huge ask, but it’s an idea I figured I’d share to see if it piqued anyone’s interest. Realistically, I’d like to see this as more of a native Windows feature, but this also felt like a viable alternative.